Thursday, January 14, 2016

DIY Shadow Box/Frame

mini shadow box i made with scrapbooking paper:
I used scrap-booking paper that had a pattern on both sides to make this one to house a little brass Buddha.

I made this one from card stock to frame an ATC.

Here is how I made the frame for the ATC: 

I cut a piece of card stock down to 5" x 6"

I make 4 score lines, 1/4" apart on each side. On the long side I cut the edges flush with the innermost scored line of the short sides. As for the short sides: the innermost 1/4" gets cut flush with the score line of the long side; the next 1/4" gets cut at an angle; the next two 1/4" sections get cut up from the angle, taking 1/4" off. 

This is what you end up with! Have fun and feel free to contact me with any questions!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Loopdedoo: Thread Wrapped Bracelets

Loopdedoo Spinning Loom Kit, , hi-res


I picked this up at Jo Anne's with a 40% off coupon and I am pleasantly surprised at how fun and easy it is to use.

Check out some of the bracelets I made with it! I decided to make matching buttons from polymer clay for clasps.

Set of 3 Thread Wrapped Bracelets

Blue, Chartruese, and Purple Thread Wrap Bracelet 
Blue, Green, and Brown Thread Wrap Bracelet

Purple Ombre Striped Thread Wrapped Bracelet